Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Música e información, aquí y ahora


AWXS is a company linked to the music industry since 2010 based in New York.

At that moment we started offering services of all kinds to cover the needs of the music sector, both for artists, festivals, record companies, etc.

In addition, AWXS acts as a news agency in the United States and other countries of the world, being diverse means of communication those that make use of our photographs and articles.

It was in 2018 when we decided to launch INSPIRATION by AWXS in Spain to not only inform the professionals of the sector through the private platform of AWXS (in operation in Spain since 2015) but also the individuals and users who want to be at So much of everything.

INSPIRATION by AWXS is currently only available in Spain, France and United Kingdom and it will be from 2020 when INSPIRATION by AWXS begins its expansion around the world.

You can access all AWXS information at www.awxs.agency

Just like to contact us at info@awxs.agency